As the years rush by, dentistry has become more patient centric and care and attention have become all part of the service. As a community dentist Brentwood total patient care means that the patient and the dental staff are all working as one team. Dentistry is no longer just about teeth and gums but more about helping patients to live a healthy stable life. Ensuring that a patient feels mentally relaxed is as important as correcting any dental condition. For those who want aesthetic peace of mind today’s dentist has to go that little extra distance.
Education is key
Working as part of Team Patient, it is necessary to educate and demonstrate the correct way to maintain an effective dental regime. The correct toothbrush to suit a particular patient’s teeth and gums is the first line in this part of preventative dentistry. Dentist Brentwood will demonstrate the proper method and technique to ensure that teeth are left clean and fresh. Flossing and using tapered tepe brushes to get the debris left after a meal from in between the teeth are absolutely essential to prevent tooth decay. As part of the preventive dentistry program parents must bring their children into the surgery from a young age, as young as one or two helps to orientate them sooner. Once they are used to the dental surgery environment an examination will quickly reveal any problems that may be manifesting. All this preventive dentistry will help to reduce the number of dental visits required to just one every six months. The same education on technique that is delivered to the adult patients will be delivered to the children ensuring that everyone is following the same dental regime.
Keeping up to date
Dentistry is advancing fast and that requires investment in equipment and training for all staff to ensure that the best treatment is always being delivered.
As an inclusive dentist Brentwood all conditions and treatments suggested will be discussed and questions encouraged to ensure proper understanding. The final decision of whether to go ahead with a treatment or not is always the patient’s. It does not matter what the nature of the treatment is from the simpler teeth whitening procedure to the more complex dental implants explaining the treatment in detail is always followed.
Technology playing a large role
Technology and dental science are an amazing combination and the latest innovations in teeth straightening equipment, techniques and skill allows dentists to produce incredible results. Cosmetic dentistry often requires the patient to outline what they would like and how they would like their teeth and smile to look and this is encouraged. The hardware and software available allows for as many as six thousand pictures per second to be taken of a patient’s inner mouth. This information is then passed on digitally to a laboratory who creates a treatment plan. This technology speeds up the process and also allows the dentist to produce a digital view of how a patient’s smile will look after treatment even before treatment has begun.
That little extra
Some patients may feel the need to allow themselves a little bit of pampering and because as a dentist we have the expertise and the safe, sterile treatment rooms we can accommodate those patients in our aesthetic treatment facilities.