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Dentist in Nottingham: Treatments That Can Change Your Smile!

If you have missing teeth, a dentist in Nottingham will be able to give you a smile that looks natural and functions reliably as well. Dental implants are used as a means to replace missing teeth in a way that should function like having your natural teeth. In fact, with dental implants, nobody should realise that you don’t have a full set of natural teeth. You won’t need to worry about your teeth loosening as you eat chewy or hard food, or when you talk. Dental implants should give you the confidence to carry on with your life feeling proud of your smile.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants consist of metal screws that are attached to the jawbone and act as roots for your replacement teeth because they fuse with the body’s tissues and are fixed firmly into place. The replacement teeth can be crowns, bridges or dentures. Crowns are typically used to replace a single tooth, whereas a bridge may be used for a few teeth. Dentures are often used to replace a whole set of teeth. The tissue around the screws may take 6 to 12 weeks to heal after which you must go back for a second appointment to have your permanent replacement teeth fitted. Before that, temporary replacement teeth will be attached when the screws are initially fitted.

What are the advantages of choosing dental implants

If you are eligible for this treatment, it will improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, which can increase your confidence. But, the benefits don’t stop there. By choosing dental implants, you are protecting any remaining natural teeth that you have from being exposed to bacteria by filling in the gaps that are next to them. You will also be able to maintain your implants easily by simply brushing and flossing as normal and having regular dental checkups. If you look after your implants in this way, you could even keep them for the rest of your life!

Another benefit of choosing dental implants is the fact that you can continue to eat and drink as normal. Whether you want to crunch into an apple or dine out on a steak well done, your implants shouldn’t let you down. What’s more, when you chat to friends and family over the hors d’oeuvres you shouldn’t have to worry about your implants letting you down and loosening their hold on your replacement teeth. A further plus point is that if you have experienced having speech difficulties due to gaps in your smile, implants may also help to rectify this issue for you.

Finally, a great benefit could also be the fact that if you have experienced a shrunken face due to having missing teeth, dental implants can add the structure back into your visage, and the result can be a fresher and more youthful appearance – that’s definitely worth getting a better smile for!

What next?

If you are keen to find out more about dental implants and whether or not they would be right for you, find a dentist who specialises in dental implant treatments and book an initial consultation!

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